How do Vouchers work?

A Kogan Mobile Voucher Code is one of two ways to purchase a Kogan Mobile Prepay Plan. The Voucher Code is a unique 12 character alphanumeric code provided with the purchase of a Kogan Mobile Prepay Plan. This code is required to activate or renew a Prepay Plan.

You can purchase a Kogan Mobile Voucher Code here.

Your Kogan Mobile Voucher Code will be sent directly to you via email. If you can't find it, please search your inbox for "Your Kogan Mobile Voucher", including in your spam folder. If you've checked your email and your spam folder, and still can't find it, then please check your order history in your account dashboard here.

If you have received a Kogan Mobile Voucher Code, and you already have an activated Kogan Mobile SIM card, please follow the instructions below to apply this to your account:

  1. Login to your Kogan Mobile account by clicking here
  2. Click Renew from your account summary
  3. Enter your unique Voucher Code in the file provided

Note: If you are a new customer and need to activate your Kogan Mobile SIM card, you will be prompted to insert your unique Kogan Mobile Voucher Code during the activation process.

Every Voucher Code comes with a clear expiration date. The expiry date of the voucher is also available in the email, sent along with the Voucher Code.

Please be sure to activate and use your Voucher Code before the expiration date.

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